Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Basics of bodybuilding

Before you begin any workout routine and start to take supplements you should know what your main goal is, for instance if you want to loose weight, if you want to gain mass muscle, gain more resistance. You may think this does not matter but belive me it does, if you workout and you do not know what your main goal is, you will not be focused on accomplishing what you desire, there for it will take you a while to start seing results and changes in your body.

A beginer bodybuilder does not start of right away with a intense workout routine and start lifting hundreads of pounds right away, if you do that it will lead to serious injurys to your muscle tissues and in serious cases you will not be able to build muscle ever again. So when you are thinking of starting your bodybuilding journey start of with light weights and work your way up trust me that is the proper way to start of.

If you are still confused on how to start and create your workout routine you can sign up at this is a website that will allow you to put down your physical information, and chose what goal you desire for example : Build mass. Then you select the difficulty you want it to be there is beginner, intermidiate, advanced. If you are just starting i would suggest you start of with beginner. All you have to do is log in click on the day of the week you are training and you will see what part of your body that you need to workout, and the exercises. A image of each work out will be provided to give you an example of the proper way to do it. So when you finish your workout you just type in your repetitions and the ammound of weights you used, and save and your good to go for the next workout.

For the supplements i suggest you ask your doctor if you are eligible to use certain supplements such as whey protein, creatine and more. If you are worried about these products you can simple reaserch them and you will learn more about them, and what they are used for. If your doctor gives you the ok on taking the supplements start of with only protein, since protein helps you rebuild your muscle faster and gives you more energy to preform more repitions. After a couple of months you will begin to see results in your body if you are satisfied stay on the protein only, but if you want to build more muscle and have more energy then you can go in the more advanced supplements, creatine and so fourth.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. I think you made some very good points, such as choosing a goal before you begin working out, which may vary depending on whether you want to gain or lose weight for example. Also, I've tried a long time ago, it provides good exercises, but I think there's too many reps and sets for a beginner. But overall, I enjoyed reading your post.
